• Franco-Luxembourgish, founded in Luxembourg in 2018 the company IA CONSEILS, an independent consulting firm in influence strategy.
• 25 years of experience in environmental issues.
• Passionate about the challenges of energy transition.
• Trained at the University of Paris II Assas (Business Law) and at the University of Paris I Sorbonne, (DESS Insurance Law) specializes throughout her career in Environmental Law.
• Various publications: Usine nouvelle, Environnement magazine…

Luxembourg :
Board member of the Luxembourg Association for Environmental Law
Founding member of the Business Club France Luxembourg
Member of Inspiring More Sustainability Luxembourg
Member of Letzpact (Luxembourg public affairs community)
France :
Member of the CEE and Biogas club of ATEE (Association technique energie environnement)
Administrator of CEDAP (Centre d’Etude des Directeurs d’Associations Professionnelles)

• Held various management positions in major insurance groups: Generali, CGU, Covéa
• Former President of the Assurpol Technical Committee (Co-reinsurance Pool for Environmental Damage) for nearly 10 years.
• Educated at the University of Paris I Sorbonne Assas in Law and Political Science, he attended the senior executive program at INSEAD.